About Us

Anna Diamantopoulos- Graduated from BCIT in 2019, with a certificate in Graphic Design. Born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia with a strong influence of her Greek roots. Anna has a strong passion for designing, photography, greek heritage (culture and dancing), figure skating and hockey. 

Anna has always had an eye for unique ideas and items, always capturing her thoughts on paper or by camera. She has brought her love of design to reality with her Ilios Designs.

The ilios symbol of the sun flower is very special and dear to her heart and instils courage (inspired by a dear friend), to follow your dreams (from friends and family), soul (love deeply from within). The word ilios comes from the greek word sun and the sunflower represents the sun. She has incorporated these words of wisdom into her everyday life and work.

Anna has received several acknowledgements for her unique Ilios sunflower design and for her interpretation of the Greek evil eye (mati) in the from of her flower.

Today Anna continues to create her unique designs and pursues her love of travel, design, dance and throughly enjoys spending time with family, friends and her dog Zeus.